How to Cook Perfect Bacon Pizza

Bacon Pizza.

Bacon Pizza You can cook Bacon Pizza using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bacon Pizza

  1. Prepare of Flour (gluten free).
  2. You need of olive oil.
  3. You need of Eggs.
  4. Prepare of warm water.
  5. It's of instant yeast.
  6. Prepare of Filling.
  7. Prepare of tomatoe sauce.
  8. You need of Beef bacon.
  9. Prepare of Beef turkish sausage.
  10. You need of Emmental cheese.

Bacon Pizza step by step

  1. Mix all the wet ingredients and little by little add the flour until get a dough. knead the dough for 10 min and reserve covered for 30 min in a warm place until double the size. After that time, roll out the dough in the oven tray and bake it alone for 7 min at 425°F..
  2. Once precooked add the tomato, the cheese and the elements you want to decorate, in my case: onion, bacon and turkish sausage.
  3. Cook it at the same temperature for 15-20 min and enjoy it!.

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