Recipe: Perfect Finger Fish

Finger Fish. Fish fingers (British English) or fish sticks (American English) are a processed food made using a whitefish, such as cod, hake, haddock or pollock, which has been battered or breaded. They are commonly available in the frozen food section of supermarkets. Fish Fingers so perfectly golden and crunchy it's hard to believe they're BAKED rather than fried!

Finger Fish The vaginal discharge created due to the resulting orgasm is what creates the pungent odour similar to that of fish fingers. Finger Fish Recipe in Urdu available at Fish fingers are small, thin fillets or bits of fish that are breaded or battered. You can cook Finger Fish using 23 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Finger Fish

  1. You need of Finger Fish:.
  2. You need of Maida:.
  3. Prepare of Egg:.
  4. It's of Black pepper: 1 and half tbsp.
  5. It's of Lemons juice.
  6. It's of Worcestershire sauce (optional).
  7. Prepare of Salt as per taste.
  8. You need of Tarter sauce.
  9. It's of mayonnaise.
  10. Prepare of finely chopped carrots.
  11. You need of finely chopped green Bell pepper.
  12. Prepare of gherkins (cucumber in vinegar).
  13. It's of B.pepper(adjust it with ur taste buds).
  14. Prepare of mustard powder.
  15. Prepare of lemons.
  16. You need of finely chopped parsley/ Hara dhania.
  17. You need of Chilli Mayo Sauce:.
  18. You need of mayonnaise.
  19. You need of chilli garlic sauce.
  20. Prepare of Salt.
  21. You need of B.pepper or adjust it according to ur taste.
  22. Prepare of hot sauce(optional).
  23. Prepare of water.

Fish finger products can be fried, or baked. These various cooking methods affect the final nutritional value of the food. Finger Fish is also known as fish sticks. It is a best meal for light foods especially during winter with sauce it will give you the perfect taste of snacks.

Finger Fish step by step

  1. Mix all the ingredients and marinate fish in it for 3-4 hours..
  2. Coat the fish with bread crumbs and deep fried them..
  3. Serve it hot..
  4. For tarter sauce:.
  5. Mix well all the ingredients and ur sauce is ready to serve..
  6. Adjust sourness according to your taste.
  7. Chilli Mayo Sauce:.
  8. Mix well all the ingredients and ur sauce is ready to serve..

Finger Fish is also known as fish sticks. There is no need to settle for frozen fish fingers. So should you fry, grill or bake? Stick with cod or swap in salmon? And do you serve them with mash or eat them in a sandwich?

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