Recipe: Tasty Super easy fried pork chops finished in the oven!!!

Super easy fried pork chops finished in the oven!!!. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray. Easy oven baked pork chops that are tender, juicy, and easily customized to your favorite spices and seasonings. With a few simple tricks, you can make juicy Many of you loved that recipe so much that you asked us to share how we cook pork chops in the oven.

Super easy fried pork chops finished in the oven!!! Cast iron skillet and your oven. If you have time, brining the pork for even a brief period adds flavor and ensures juiciness in the finished chop. These Easy Baked Pork Chops only require a few spices to really make them stand out. You can cook Super easy fried pork chops finished in the oven!!! using 15 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Super easy fried pork chops finished in the oven!!!

  1. Prepare 8 of 1"1/4in.bnls. Pork chops.
  2. You need 1 cup of flour.
  3. It's Tsp. of Onion powder.
  4. Prepare Tsp. of Garlic powder.
  5. Prepare Tsp. of Paprika.
  6. Prepare Tsp. of Salt.
  7. It's Tsp. of Pepper.
  8. Prepare 4 tbsp. of Peanut oil.
  9. Prepare of --------------------.
  10. Prepare 1 lb. of Asparagus.
  11. You need 1/2 tsp. of Garlic powder.
  12. You need 1/2 tsp. of Salt.
  13. You need 1/2 tsp. of Pepper.
  14. You need 1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese.
  15. You need 2 tbsp. of Olive oil.

They are juicy, tender, and full of flavor. Super easy to make and juicy and flavorful." - Neil B., Schenectady, NY. Do you want to know how to make the PERFECT pork chops? Pork chops can be grilled or pan fried, but this recipe is as easy as it gets and bakes right in the oven with little effort.

Super easy fried pork chops finished in the oven!!! instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees..
  2. Preheat skillet to med/high heat..
  3. While preheating cut the hard end off your asparagus lay on foil add oil salt pepper garlic power and parmesan and mix and coat all the pieces and then wrap up in the foil to make a pouch. Then mix your flour with all your dry spices..
  4. Add your oil to skillet and swirl around to coat entire bottom. Take your chops and press into flour mixture coat on all sides then put on foil for easy clean up. I've found that if you lay them down the way you would cook them that the under side gets sticky and wet so I stack them up on the foil..
  5. Now put your asparagus in the oven either left or right side to keep room for your chops. Work in batches placing your chops into your skillet and brown 3 mins. Per side..
  6. Place on a baking sheet with a rack if you just put them on the sheet alone the under side will lose the crispiness you achieved during the Browning process but still will be good if you don't have a rack..
  7. Place your chops in the oven and set for 10 mins..
  8. Remove asparagus and open the foil to help stop the cooking process should be slightly soft and still firm. Remove the chops. Total cook time on asparagus is 15 to 18 mins..
  9. Check your chops with a instant read thermometer 150 degrees is where I want to be. Let rest for five mins to gain about 5 degrees giving you a very tender and moist delicious chop slightly pink in the center..
  10. Plate and serve hope you all enjoy!!! Didn't do the risotto because it was packaged Alessi brand Milanese style with saffron lol!!!.
  11. Trichinosis used to be a great concern during the 1940's and 50's but by moving the hogs primary inside a indoor farming facility and regulations on feed and cleanliness set by the United States Government the disease is almost non-existent!! Like the old saying from your parents would say to you clean up your room it looks like a pig sty well that saying is now dated....
  12. That's for roasts and chops only. Always cook any ground pork to 160 degrees because the bacteria is on the outer side of the primal cut but once you grind in a grinder it's now threw the entire processed meat. That's why you can eat cuts of beef black and blue..
  13. Can't wait till spring!!! Be safe and nice. May God bless us all!!!.

A pork chop is from the loin of the hog. If there is a bone, it is usually the same bone, as you will find in baby back ribs. Boneless pork chops are leaner and more apt to overcook in a matter of seconds. Bone-in chops, however, provide greater flavor and help keep If you do decide to go boneless, that's OK. The pork chops get flipped over and basted towards the end of the cooking time and if desired, give them a quick broil at the end to caramelize and thicken the sauce some.

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