Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing beer-bbq'd baked pork chops

beer-bbq'd baked pork chops. Juicy pork chops are great on the grill. Dozens of these top-rated grilled pork chops start with a Pork chops are marinated in root beer and then glazed with a reduction of root beer, beef stock Pork chops with a quick homemade BBQ sauce made with balsamic vinegar, ketchup, and brown. These oven-baked barbecue pork chops are tender and juicy.

Baked Pork Chops with Mushroom Gravy. So Tender they Melt in your Mouth!! Spoon sauce over chops and bake until done or if done serve em up! You can cook beer-bbq'd baked pork chops using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of beer-bbq'd baked pork chops

  1. Prepare 2 of pork chops (whatever kind u like).
  2. Prepare 1/4 can of beer ( i used coors light, again whatever beer u like).
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp of butter.
  4. You need 1 of bbq sauce, i make my own but if i use store bought i use a hickory brown sugar).
  5. It's 1/2 of sliced onion.

We had green bean casserole and mashed potatoes with them. Sometimes life gets crazy during the week. Rushing from school to activities to home. I like that these pork chops are baked in the oven.

beer-bbq'd baked pork chops instructions

  1. preheat oven to 225°F.
  2. season chops with your fav seasoning. i use garlic, salt, pepper, lawrys or any all purpose, maybe some cumin, really it doesnt matter. ive also marinated my chops with apple juoce, seasoning, tbs mustard, good squeeze of syrup all in a plastic bag for a few hours, then follow the rest of steps.
  3. put your chops in a baking dish and pour the beer over them. add some butter and top with onions. bake covered in low temp oven for 30min. take out and pour some bbq over them. cover and bake for 20min more. the last ten min removr cover and up the temp of the oven tp 325°F ...enjoy :0).

That means it's a little healthier and way less mess to clean up. Easy Baked BBQ Pork Chops (Diane Yarbrough, Cooks.com). pork chops one large onion, thickly sliced salt pepper chili powder Masterpiece barbecue sauce white wine (optional). A simple beer brine gives pork chops wonderful flavor and juicy texture. They're finished on the grill for a beautiful smoky char. Place the pork chops in a resealable plastic bag and pour the brine over top.

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