Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela & Kentang
Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela & Kentang.
You can have Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela & Kentang using 17 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela & Kentang
- Prepare 5 pasang of Hati Ampela Rebus.
- You need 500 gr of Kentang.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of Garam.
- You need 1 sdt of Gula Pasir.
- You need 6 sdm of Minyak untuk menumis.
- You need of Bumbu Halus;.
- Prepare 5 siung of Bawang Putih.
- Prepare 7 siung of Bawang Merah.
- You need 10 bj of Cabe Merah Keriting.
- It's 5 bj of Cabe Rawit Merah.
- You need 1 bj of Tomat.
- Prepare 3 cm of Jahe.
- Prepare of Bumbu Kasar;.
- You need 1 btg of Serai geprek.
- You need 5 cm of Lengkuas geprek.
- You need 2 lbr of Daun Salam.
- You need 3 lbr of Daun Jeruk.
Sambal Goreng Hati Ampela & Kentang step by step
- Kupas Kentang lalu dipotong kotak,Hati Ampela juga dipotong kotak,lalu digoreng sampai kentang matang & Hati Ampela jadi lebih pekat warnanya,angkat & tiriskan. Selanjutnya tumis bumbu halus & bumbu kasar sampai harum & matang,lalu masukan kentang,Hati Ampela,garam & gula pasir.
- Aduk-aduk sampai bumbu meresap,matikan api...selesai👌😉.
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